Demand for chlorine free swimming is increasing as concerns rise about the health and safety impacts of chlorine and the disinfectant byproducts produced when it is used to sanitise pool water.
Legal limits of chlorine disinfectant by products in swimming pools is being applied across all of the EU as the health risks of these known carcinogens continues to raise concerns. The limits already enforced in the chlorination of drinking water are being extended to chlorine pool chemicals and this has the potential to impact on every pool operator.
Sustainability is important for both guests and corporate responsibility programmes; the chlorine industry is not that. Chlorine is being abandoned as a bleaching agent in the paper and cotton industry due to environmental reasons and being chlorine or bleach free is a marketing advantage. Whether it is chlorine free paper or envelopes, chlorine free tissues and toilet paper, bleach free cleaning products or fabric treatments, both companies and the public are moving away from traditional chlorine bleached products. As more companies focus on a holistic experience for guests, the same move away from chlorine is true for swimming pools and spas.